Complete Material about Tourism


A. Definition of Tourism
Tourism is a journey to find pleasure, as well as a theory and practice of traveling, business that is interesting, accommodating, entertaining tourists, and a tour service business. Tourism can be between countries or domestic. People are considered to be tourism if they travel as far as at least 80 km from their home, if below they are called "travelers".

Definition of Tourism According to Experts
Here is the understanding of tourism according to some experts:
a. According to Robert McIntosh, tourism is a combination of interactions between the government as the host of tourism, business and tourists.
b. According to Herman V. Schulard, tourism is a number of activities, especially those that are related to the economy, which are directly related to the entry of foreigners through traffic in a country, city and certain regions.
c. According to Prof. Salah Wahab, tourism is a human activity that is carried out consciously and gets service alternately between people in a country itself or abroad, including the occupation of people from other regions for a while in seeking and obtaining diverse satisfaction variety and different from what he experienced (where he lived).

B. Types of Tourism

Holidays or many attractions that can be visited include the beach, to the mountains, see temples, waterfalls / waterfalls, lakes and many other tourist attractions. Therefore, I describe the types of tourism based on place and tourism based on the types of tourists. so that it can be a reference for tourists or travelers, as follows:
     1. Types Tourism by Place
          1.1. Nature Tourism / Ecotourism
              Nature Tourism is a journey that utilizes the potential of natural resources and the environment as an object of tourist destination, where the tourist attraction can offer a panoramic view of natural beauty and natural wonders, which can provide coolness, make us feel comfortable and eliminate stress and so on. Examples of natural attractions are beaches, mountains, forests, lakes, craters, waterfalls etc.
              • Maritime or Maritime Tourism
                Martim or Bahari Tourism is a tourist activity that is always associated with water such as: sports in the water, especially in lakes, beaches, bays, or the sea such as fishing, sailing, diving while taking photos, surfing competitions, rowing races, looking around marine parks with beautiful views under the water surface and various aquatic recreation that are mostly carried out in regions or maritime countries, in the Caribbean, Hawaii, Tahiti, Fiji and so on. In Indonesia there are many places and regions that have this maritime tourism potential, such as the Thousand Islands in the Bay of Jakarta, Lake Toba, the beaches of Bali and the surrounding small islands, marine parks in the Maluku Islands and so on. This type is also called water tourism.
              • Nature Reserve Tourism (Conservation Park)
                Nature Reserve Tourism or Conservation Park is a biological tourism to see trees or plants and animals in certain habitats, and this is usually a tour guide from the local government. Examples: nature reserves, protected parks, mountainous forests and so on that are protected by law. Nature reserve tourism is mostly carried out by fans and nature lovers in connection with the hobby of photographing animals or genera and colorful flower trees that do receive protection from the government and the community. This tour is much associated with the fondness for natural beauty, fresh air in the mountains, the wonders of living animals and the rare species of animals and plants that are rarely found in other places. In Bali, developed tourist attractions such as West Bali National Park and Eka Karya Botanical Gardens, in Bogor there are Bogor Botanical Gardens and Safari Parks, etc.
          1.2. Religious and Historical Tourism (Religion Tourism)
              Indonesia has religious diversity. All religions are in Indonesia, this is what causes religious places to be tourist attractions.
This religious tourism is a journey that aims to increase the love of religion and perform ritual activities such as dhikr, praying and so on, and not merely for fun. Example: the tomb of the saints (Pilgrimage) etc.
              • Pilgrimage Tour
                This type of tourism is often associated with religion, history, customs and beliefs of people or groups in society. Pilgrimage tours are mostly carried out by individuals or groups to holy places, to tombs of great people or exalted leaders, to hills or mountains that are considered sacred, the burial place of figures or leaders as miraculous humans full of legends. Pilgrimage tourism is much associated with the intentions or desires of the tourists to obtain blessing, inner strength, firmness of faith and not infrequently for the purpose of obtaining blessings and abundant wealth. In this connection, Catholics for example make this pilgrimage tour to the Vatican Palace in Rome, Muslims to the holy land, Buddhists to Buddhist holy places in India, Nepal, Tibet and so on. In Indonesia there are many sacred or sacred places visited by certain religious people, such as Borobudur, Prambanan, Basakih Temple in Bali, Sendangsono in Central Java, Wali Songo tomb, Gunung Kawi, Bung Karno's tomb in Blitar and so on.
          1.3. Shopping Tourism
              Often after holidays do not bring fruit or souvenirs, of course, it does not feel complete for Indonesian tourists. In Indonesia alone for tourism shopping is in all provinces. The indulgence of Indonesian people who like shopping makes shopping tourism become one of the popular destinations among tourists.
          1.4. Culinary Tourism
               For this one, all definitely need it, culinary tourism is one of the most sought after by tourists. Moreover, in Indonesia, it offers a variety of dishes that are very large and of course delicious, often we go to a place that is asked and what kind of cuisine is sought for.
          1.5. Educational Tourism
              Educational tourism is usually called a study tour or KKL. This tour is usually for students or students, or for certain groups of people. Educational tourism is tourism that aims to get certain knowledge or expertise, such as farming, industry or companies, schools, museums, or institutions of certain institutions. Examples of these tours are high school visits to universities, student visits to factories or companies etc.
              • Agricultural Tourism (Agro Tourism)
                As an industrial tourism, agricultural tourism is organizing trips carried out on agricultural, plantation, nursery and so on projects where tourists can conduct visits and reviews for study purposes as well as browse around while enjoying the fresh colorful plants and fertile nurseries various types of vegetables and secondary crops around the plantations visited.
          1.6. Cultural Tourism (Culture Tourism)
              Cultural Tourism is a journey that is carried out on the basis of the desire to broaden one's outlook on life by visiting or visiting other places or abroad, studying the conditions of the people, their customs, their way of life, their culture and art. Along with this similar journey united with opportunities to take part in cultural activities, such as expositions of art (dance, drama, music, and sound arts), or historical motivated activities and so on.
              Indonesia has a diversity of cultures that can be a separate tourist attraction. In addition to domestic tourists, foreign tourists are very interested in seeing cultural tourism in Indonesia. This cultural tourism usually is to an area where the population has a high custom or certain characteristics, for example Naga village, Baduy tribe in Banten, Bali, Rambu Solo death party in Toraja, etc.
          1.7. Hunting Tours
              Tourism Hunting is mostly done in countries that do have areas or forests where hunting is justified by the government and promoted by various agents or travel agencies. This hunting tour is arranged in the form of a hunting safari to the area or forest that has been set by the government of the country concerned, such as various countries in Africa to hunt elephants, lions, ziraf, and so on. In India, there are areas that are really provided for hunting tigers, rhinos and so on, while in Indonesia, the government opens hunting tours for the Baluran area in East Java where tourists can shoot bulls or wild boar. Maybe fishing can also be a trend hunting tour in Indonesia in 2015.
          1.8. Political Tourism / Convention
              This type of political tourism can be called tourist convention. Various countries today are building this convention tour by providing building facilities with meeting rooms for participants in conferences, deliberations, conventions or other meetings both national and international. West Germany for example has the International Convention Center in Berlin, the Philippines has the PICC (Philippine International Convention Center) in Manila and Indonesia has the Senayan Convention Center in Jakarta for the holding of large meeting sessions with modern equipment. The convention bureaus, both those in Berlin, Manila, or Jakarta, try hard to attract national and international organizations or agencies to hold their hearings at the center of this convention by providing accommodation facilities and transportation facilities at attractive reduction prices and presenting programs - tantalizing attraction program.
     2. Types of Tourism Based on The Type of Tourist
          In addition to the types of tourism, tourism activities also depend on the types of tourists, here I try to group several types of tourists, as follows:
          2.1. Adventurous Tourism (Adventure Tourism)
              This adventurous tour is a tour of a trip by tourists who like challenges, such as going through hard and hard terrain before reaching the destination. These tourists also always choose new baseline or terrain areas that have never been visited or new routes that have never been passed. These tourists can also take trips or activities in the open air to train physical dexterity and refresh spiritually with high risk because they demand the ability of tourists guided by people who are more experienced in their field.
For example: Climbing, Climbing the mountain in Papandayan Garut, Watching Bird on TN savanna. Baluran.
          2.2. Special Tourism
              This special tour is a tourist trip to create a certain activity or activity, which is related to nature. Such as Hiking, Mountain Climbing, Trekking, Rafting in the river, Diving, Caving or exploring Caves, Hunting, Boating, and Fishing, Camping, Out Bond, Traveling, Touring etc.
              There are also special tours that are more specific because they require the ability and expertise in a particular place and / or certain activities. so you need a special certificate in carrying out the trip. like Night dive on Halmahera Island, Paragliding on Lake Toba.
          2.3. Backpacker Tourism
              The term backpacking in Indonesian is defined as a backpack or bag held behind. This Backpacker Tourism is a tourist who likes to travel or do a feast to a certain place just by carrying a bag with clothes and sufficient items that are considered necessary.
Besides that, Backpacking Tourism is more free to set its own time and is usually done by young people. they prefer to sleep in a simple place without spending a lot of money than in hotels. Or use Public Transportation Equipment instead of having to use the Traveling Bus.
          2.4. Business Tourism (Business Tourism)
               This Business Tourism is a tourist trip with the aim of business feasibility studies in the area or in the country visited.
For example: Shopping tours in Pasar Baru Bandun, Shopping tours in the Tanah Abang textile market in Jakarta, Central Aceh Gayo coffee gardens, seminars, congresses, comparative studies, symposiums.
          2.5. MICE Tourism (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Exhibition)
              MICE tourism is a tourist trip in order to participate in activities or attend a meeting, company trip, convention or exhibition or the like which is interspersed with tours during his free time.
Examples: Visiting the Coating Show, Visiting the Inacraft JCC Jakarta event, Corporate outing trips, Exhibitions, etc.
          2.6. Voluntourism
              It is a kind of tourism that starts to exist in Indonesia, namely tourism that comes to certain areas by carrying out activities such as social services or providing expertise, ability, experience, to materials to tourist attractions visited, then interspersed with tourism activities in the area. Being a Orang Utan caregiver in Kalimantan, the one traveler one book concept, to teaching children in the interior of Kalimantan
              Of the types of tourism and types of tourism which have been discussed above, the tourism process will not be carried out without any intention or motivation to do tours. Therefore I will review some of the things that motivate why someone or group does a tour.

C. Types of Accommodation

          1. Commercial Accommodation
               Commercial accommodation is accommodation that is built and operated solely for maximum profit, the types of which include:
              1.1Hotels, a form of commercially managed accommodation, are provided for each person to obtain the following services and accommodation to eat and drink (SK Minister of Transportation No. PM.10 / Pw. 301 / Phb.77). Hotel classifications according to physical (many or at least the number of rooms) include:
                a) Small Hotels, hotels with 25 rooms
                    or less.
                b) Medium hotels, hotels that have
                    more than 25 and less than 100
                c) Medium hotels, hotels with more
                    than 100 rooms and less than 300
                d) Large hotels, are hotels that have
                    more than 300 rooms.
              1.2. Motels, in English, motels, motorbikes, and court hotels are designed to serve the needs of motorists and, as a necessity, must provide facilities for car parking (private garage), car services, and easy access from the Higway.
              1.3. Hostel (Youth Hostel), is a form of hotel that is provided for teenagers or students with relatively cheaper rates (youth hostels in Indonesia are known as teenage tourist huts).
              1.4. Cottage, a type of accommodation located around the beach or lake with separate buildings or lodges, and equipped with beach or sea recreation facilities.
              1.5. Bungalow, a type of accommodation in the form of houses located in mountainous areas, which is rented out to families / employee groups for seminars / workshops, and as a vacation resort.
              1.6. Inn, a type of accommodation located in a resort area connecting two cities, providing lodging, eating and drinking, and other public services, as well as being rented out publicly for people who travel and stop for a while (less than 24 hours and rarely up to 2/3 days).
              1.7. Guest House, a type of accommodation owned by a company, a government / private institution that is intended for guests who stay and get dining, drinking and other services provided in a simple and free manner or borne by the company / agency that invites them, but if the guest house This is owned by a private company that is open to the public, so the nature is the same as the hotel, which is aimed at seeking profits, only the services are simple.
              1.8. Apartment House, a type of accommodation that is rented to be occupied as a residence (for a long period of time) for 2, 3 or 4 families separately.
              1.9. Logement (Inn), a type of accommodation that uses part or all of a building for lodging with or without eating and drinking for everyone who comes to rest for a while. (currently most inns are budget hotels), with lower facilities and rates than star hotels.
              1.10. Floating Hotel, a type of accommodation that is on cruise ships that provides room, dining and drinking facilities as well as service and entertainment facilities such as hotels, but also functions as a sea transportation.
              1.11. Pension, a type of accommodation in the form of a small hotel that provides lodging, eating and drinking services for its guests at relatively low rates.

          2. Semi-Commercial Accommodation

              is accommodation that is built and operated not solely for commercial purposes, but also for social purposes (disadvantaged communities), including:
               - Graha Wisata Remaja
               - Student / Student Dormitory
               - Islamic boarding school
               - Hospital
               - Home Stay
               - Rooming house
               - Holiday Camp
               - Camping Ground / Camping Site
               - Guesthouse
               - Lodging

          3. Non-Commercial Accommodation

              Namely accommodation that is built and operated solely for non-commercial purposes, namely not seeking profit or solely for social purposes or free assistance, but specifically for certain groups / groups as well as for certain purposes, the types of which include:
               - Mess (owned by governmen agencies 
                 / departments)
               - Guest House (at the Palace environment, 
                 especially for national guests)
               - Orphanage
               - Lodging
               - Villa (privately owned)



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