Learning Foreign Languages in Duolingo

    Learning a foreign language is a provision when we will all step in the life of globalization. Everyone is obliged to wrestle in the world of globalization if they want to develop and do not run in place. The benefits of learning a foreign language itself are not too far from the goal, it's just that as a benefit of course this is interpreted more specifically. By mastering foreign languages, one can communicate further, so that their insights in information technology themselves will be more open and they certainly have great capital to step in a world where technological progress is always moving forward.

    Duolingo is one of the most widely accessed foreign language learning media. Besides being able to learn English, at Duolingo we can learn 9 (nine) other foreign languages, such as Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Irish, Danish, and Swedish. To access Duolingo, we can download the application for free on the Play Store or App Store application, or if we want to use the website version, we can visit www.duolingo.com.

    I'm currently trying to study English at Duolingo.
View of main page on Duolingo

    From the image above, we can see that there are many things that we can access, such as discussion fields with fellow Duolingo users, the rankings we have achieved, what materials we have learned, to the daily targets we have to implement.

    There are many types of questions that we have to work on, such as:

1. Translate into English with multiple choices of answers.

2. Translate a word.

3. Compose sentences from the translation of the words that have been prepared.

4. Construct sentences from the sounds we hear.

5. Say the sentence that has been provided.

6. Or a question with a more difficult level, that is translate a sentence without any clue.

From everything that has been explained, the point is that Duolingo is great for learning foreign languages, especially if we are beginners. 

Happy learning for those of you who want to start learning foreign languages! Cheers!


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