Early Marriage in My Opinion (English)


     Early marriage, maybe when we hear that word, we will think that our youth will be lost because after marriage, a lot of homework must be done so that we don't have time to enjoy youth like unmarried friends either because they work, lecture, etc. But, in reality, that is not true. We will still be able to get a more pleasant youth even when we get married early. All of that, depends on each individual. If indeed at a young age we are very ready to get married, why not? But, it is different from when we were young and wanted to get married early, even though personally we are not really ready to face what must be done after marriage, it is better to postpone it first. Because you know, after marriage, there are jobs that really really have to be prepared mentally, you have to take care of your husband, not to mention if later you have children. It would be very difficult if from the beginning you were not really ready for all of that.
       And for those of you who are really ready to get married early, do it. Tell your parents that you want to get married even though you are still young. Because it is better than dating a non-mahrom (Islam) so that unwanted violations occur. Getting married with intentions to be prevented from violation is very noble. Do not be afraid if after marriage you do not have property or anything, because it has been explained in the Qur'an
And marry those who are alone among you, and those who are worthy (married) of your male servants and your female servants. If they are poor Allah will enable them with His grace. And Allah is Great (His Gift), Knowing" (QS. An Nur: 32)
         From the verses of the Quran above, we know that Allah will fulfill the rezeqi of the person who is married. And about your youth, you will get a more pleasant youth. When maybe your husband is at home, sometimes you and your husband may walk together. Dating after marriage is more fun, right? When you and your friends will gather together, you can come with your husband so that you can make your friends jealous of you.
          And for those of you who want to get married early but mentally not ready, immediately prepare yourself first, improve yourself then automatically Hopefully the soul mate will come at the right time.
   In essence, everything depends on each individual. There is also someone who does not want to get married early because they want to be someone who is successful first, wants to make parents happy before, or others. It's all free. Don't get to see other people who get married early so have the desire to get married too early. Do not let. Because marriage is not a trivial thing, marriage is only done once in a lifetime. So, think carefully about your life partner, ya! 😄


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