
Showing posts from 2019

Latihan Soal Pendidikan Pancasila 2019 (Pra-Ujian Utama Universitas Gunadarma • Bagian 2)

51. Setelah VOC dibubarkan, kekuasaan Belanda di Indonesia dipegang oleh... a.Pemerintah Kerajaan Indonesia b.Pemerintah Kerajaan Portugis c.Pemerintah Kerajaan Jepang d.Pemerintah Kerajaan Belanda 52. Rakyat pribumi mengartikan cultuur stelsel dengan sebutan tanam paksa karena... a.Dalam pelaksanaannya proyek penanaman dilakukan dengan cara- cara paksa dan bagi yang melanggar dihukum fisik b.Jenis tanamannya ditentukan pemerintah Belanda c.Kerusakan tanaman karena bencana alam ditanggung oleh pemerintah d.Adanya beban pajak yang berat 53. Tujuan Belanda mendirikan VOC pada tahun 1602 adalah... a.Mencegah persaingan diantara pedagang Belanda sendiri dan pedagang lainnya b.Melakukan monopoli perdagangan rempah-rempah di Maluku c.Persaingan antara pedagang Spanyol dan Portugis di Indonesia d.Mengatur perdagangan bangsa Eropa disebelah timur selat Magelhaens 54. Aliran filsafat yang berhubungan dengan kenyataan hidup manusia disebut... a.Mate...

Latihan Soal Pendidikan Pancasila 2019 (Pra-Ujian Utama Universitas Gunadarma • Bagian 1)

Soal-soal Latihan 1. Secara harfiah, kata filsafat berasal dari kata Yunani, yaitu... a.Sophia              c.Panca b.Logos                d.Philosophia 2. Sistem filsafat Pancasila merupakan objek yang memberikan penilaian terhadap segala sesuatu yang menyangkut kehidupan... a.Sendiri             c.Golongan b.Kampus            d.Masyarakat 3. Wujud pengamalan “Keadilan Sosial bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia”, adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali... a.Bersifat adil b.Mengembangkan perbuatan-perbuatan yang luhur, mencerminkan sikap, suasana kekeluargaan, dan gotong royong c.Menjaga keseimbangan antara hak dan kewajiban serta menghormati hak-hak orang lain d.Berani membela kebenaran dan keadilan 4. Cabang filsafat yang berkaitan dengan hakikat metode ilmiah disebut... a.Aksiologi          c.Epistemologi b...

Procedure Text (English)

How to Make a Martabak Noodles Ingredients :                  1. A pack of instant noodle 2. Water 3. An egg 4. Vegetable oil 5. Tomato 6. Cucumbar 7. Sauce Tools  : 1. Pan 2. Spoon 3. Plate 4. Frying pan Steps : 1. Put the pan on the stove 2. Turn on the stove and boil water 3. Put the instant noodle on the pan 4. Cook the instant noodle 5. Prepare a plate 6. Open and put the seasoning 7. Turn off the stove 8. Put mie on the plate 9. Crack the egg and put on the mie 10. Mix them using a spoon 11. Put vegetable oil on the frying pan 12. Turn on the stove and heat a frying pan 13. Pour the dough into the frying pan. Wait until the colour is yellowish 14. Lift using spatula and put in reserve. Wait until the colour is yellowish 15. Finally, put martabak mie into a plate 16. We can using tomato, cucumbar, and sauce for garnish the martabak mie 17. And now, martabak mie is ready to eat. How to Ma...

Resensi Novel Tere Liye - Hujan

Tere Liye - Hujan Identitas Buku Judul buku : Hujan Warna sampul : Biru muda dan putih Penulis : Darwis Tere Liye Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama Tempat terbit : Gedung Gramedia Blok I, lt. 5 Jl. Palmerah Barat 29-33, Jakarta 10270 Tahun terbit : 2016 Tebal Halaman : 320 halaman, 162 lembar Ukuran : 13,5 x 20 cm Jenis buku : Novel Novel Hujan ini menceritakan tentang kisah dua tokoh utamanya yang bernama Lail dan Esok. Kedua tokoh ini dipertemukan pasca terjadi bencana gunung meletus tahun 2042. Efek dari Gunung meletus ini teramat dahsyat, disamping telah meluluhkan lantakkan sebagian besar isi bumi, bencana alam ini hanya menyisakan 10% manusia di bumi dan juga mengacaukan iklim serta cuaca bumi. Tokoh laki-laki bernama Esok atau yang bernama lengkap Soke Bahtera ini digambar...

Early Marriage in My Opinion (English)

EARLY MARRIAGE      Early marriage, maybe when we hear that word, we will think that our youth will be lost because after marriage, a lot of homework must be done so that we don't have time to enjoy youth like unmarried friends either because they work, lecture, etc. But, in reality, that is not true. We will still be able to get a more pleasant youth even when we get married early. All of that, depends on each individual. If indeed at a young age we are very ready to get married, why not? But, it is different from when we were young and wanted to get married early, even though personally we are not really ready to face what must be done after marriage, it is better to postpone it first. Because you know, after marriage, there are jobs that really really have to be prepared mentally, you have to take care of your husband, not to mention if later you have children. It would be very difficult if from the beginning you were not really ready for all of that.   ...

Modal Auxiliary

Modal Auxiliary           Modal (modality) is a form of word that helps verbs. Modal must be juxtaposed with verbs. Therefore, modal is also often called a substitute verb. Modal Auxiliary includes: a. Present tense : Can, may, will, shall, must, need, ought to, dare. b. Past tense: Could, might, should           Formula of Modal Auxiliary: (+) s + modal + v1 + (o) (-) s + modal + not + v1 + (o) (?) modal + s + v1 + (o) + ?           Formula of Modal Auxiliary (Passive) : s + modal + be + past particle + (by Agent) Example : Tony Will give Anna a gift tonight (Active Voice (Modals)) Anna Will be given a gift by Tony (Passive Voice (Modals))            Rules for using modal auxiliary: a. Verbs should not be added to -s / es, if there is a modal auxiliary. Example : - He can makes a fruit cake. (False) - He can make a fruit cake. (True) - Katty must goes t...

Complete Material about Tourism

TOURISM A. Definition of Tourism Tourism is a journey to find pleasure, as well as a theory and practice of traveling, business that is interesting, accommodating, entertaining tourists, and a tour service business. Tourism can be between countries or domestic. People are considered to be tourism if they travel as far as at least 80 km from their home, if below they are called "travelers". Definition of Tourism According to Experts Here is the understanding of tourism according to some experts: a. According to Robert McIntosh , tourism is a combination of interactions between the government as the host of tourism, business and tourists. b. According to Herman V. Schulard , tourism is a number of activities, especially those that are related to the economy, which are directly related to the entry of foreigners through traffic in a country, city and certain regions. c. According to Prof. Salah Wahab , tourism is a human activity that is carried out consciously an...