English for Career Development by Mareta Fauziah (Week 4)


Overview of Week 4 Materials.

A job seeker needs to build relationships by meeting new people, making small talk, and describing his/her skills effectively. In this fourth week, I learn about the importance of networking and how to deliver a networking elevator speech appropriately.

When we are networking, we are meeting new people and learning more about different jobs and companies. Networking is about building professional relationships, which take time to grow. When we meet new people we learn about common interests, or things we both know about. There are some common interest that may help us learn about some other things that we have in common such as major or subject areas, work experiences, or other people we both know (mutual friends/acquaintances).

There are many ways to increase or add to our professional network:

1. First, we can join a professional organization, which is a group of people with similar occupations or careers.

2. Second, we can use social media websites like LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter.

3. Third, we can contact College Alumni groups.

4. Once we have a group of people, our network can be very important for our career, because they might know about job openings that are not advertised.

Result of Week 4 Quiz.

From this course, I learn about some new words or vocabularies too, such as:

New Vocabulary


Elevator Speech

A short description of your skills and career goals


Talking to other people about your job search and career goals


Patterns of words and pauses

So, that’s all what I learn in week 4. Thank you ^^


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