English for Career Development by Mareta Fauziah (Week 1)


Overview of English for Career Development Course.

    The course that I choose is English for Career Development. This course runs for 5 weeks with 1 unit per week. Overall in this course, I will learn about 7 steps in the process of searching a job are as follows:
1. Identify your skills
2. Professional profile
3. Job descriptions 
4. Resume
5. Cover letter
6. Networking 
7. Interviewing 

Overview of Week 1 Material.

    In the first week, I will learn about the steps in the job search process. When we are looking for a job, of course we must know our profile as job seekers, must know our interests and skills, know the main skills in finding a job, how to read a job advertisement, and many other things. In first week, I learned it all. Learn how to become a successful job seeker.

    So far, I really enjoyed every material and video in this course, because of why? Yes, because I can get a lot of new knowledge (and new vocabulary of course) which is very useful, especially I am studying undergraduate now. After graduating from college, of course I will look for a job. This course really helps me to get an idea of how to find the right job, what things should I pay attention to before applying for a job, etc.

The result of Quiz 1.

During this course, I have some new vocabularies too, 

New Vocabulary



a compilation or summary of material or information.


surprisingly impressive or notable.

The point is that I hope I will continue to get lots of new materials that are very useful in this course and be able to apply them well. Thank you ^^


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